After knowing our groupmates and the focus topic for our CBR, Ashley was assigned as our leader. Ashley, our leader, took the responsibility of dividing the tasks among us. We gathered as a group and discussed our research topic, making sure that everyone understood their assigned roles to ensure each person had a fair workload. We also set deadlines to stay on track.
After working on our assigned parts, we came together to finalize our CBR paper. We carefully reviewed each section, checking for errors, inconsistencies, and areas that needed improvement. Each of us provided feedback and suggestions to strengthen the paper.
After finalizing the content of our CBR, we shifted our focus to creating a webpage to present our findings. We explored different layout ideas, looking for inspiration from other research websites and tutorials. Shechinah took the lead in sharing creative ideas, and we discussed color schemes and the structure of our webpage.

The final and most nerve-wracking part was presenting our webpage and research findings. During the actual presentation, some of us, including me, felt nervous and struggled to express our points clearly. Despite that, we managed to complete our presentation. Although it was not perfect, we were proud of our efforts and the teamwork that helped us reach this stage. This experience taught us the importance of preparation, confidence, and learning from our mistakes.
Our CBR project was a valuable learning experience. We faced challenges, but we overcame them by working together. From dividing tasks to finalizing our paper, designing our webpage, and presenting our work, every step requires effort and dedication. It was a journey of growth, teamwork, and perseverance.
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